Secrets and wisdom from many brides. 

As a wedding photographer, I’ve had the privilege of seeing a lot of brides. Each bride was so unique and beautiful in her own way, and each one had a unique, special day. Every bride has her own ideas about preparing for the wedding.

From the size of the party, the flowers and dress choice, whether to go for a morning or an afternoon ceremony, every bride tries something different. The bridal make up experience was different too and I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks from my brides.

From my experience, here are the advantages, and disadvantages of different make up solutions.

So let’s talk about the pluses and minuses of doing your own makeup.

Bridal makeup in Cairo, Egypt

Why you should do your own makeup – the wedding photographer’s secrets.

If you want to look in the mirror and see yourself instead of a caked up doll, then maybe consider forgoing the professionals. Doing your own makeup means choosing a more natural look. You are beautiful. You don’t need makeup for that. On the big day, nerves are high and sometimes only you know what you want. You don’t want to trust someone else with what will feel like the most important look of your life.

If you know your face and have a good idea of how to make yourself look good, it saves a lot of money. Professional makeup artists charge a lot, and I mean a lot of money.

Doing your own makeup keeps the atmosphere chilled and low key. You know what works on your skin better than anyone else and you have the vision. Kate Middleton did her own makeup for her royal wedding to prince William so if it was good enough for the future queen of Britain…

Bridal makeup artist in Cairo, Egypt

Why you should hire a professional – from the wedding photographer’s perspective.

You want to look special and sometimes we just don’t have the skills to do it ourselves. It’s not admitting defeat to acknowledge that someone else can make us look like a princess. It’s also nice to be pampered, it is your special day after all. Professional makeup artists know how to apply makeup that will truly look natural and will last all day even through the stress and the sweating and the late night disco.

You won’t have to worry about lipstick rubbing off on the groom or hair flying out of place.

Makeup artists will have professional grade products that are better quality than you can afford.

Plus, it’s a weight off your mind to leave it to a professional. There’s so much going on and you don’t need another time consuming item.You don’t want to be stressed and i’ve seen that too often.It also lessens the chance of nerve induced failures.

Professional makeup artists can tailor your makeup to look good on the photos too, the lights and perspectives aren’t something you’re used to. A real pro can make you look good on the day and in the album too.

Bridal makeup in Cairo, Egypt. Wedding makeup in Cairo

Why you should hire a professional – from the wedding photographer’s perspective.

You want to look special and sometimes we just don’t have the skills to do it ourselves. It’s not admitting defeat to acknowledge that someone else can make us look like a princess. It’s also nice to be pampered, it is your special day after all. Professional makeup artists know how to apply makeup that will truly look natural and will last all day even through the stress and the sweating and the late night disco.

You won’t have to worry about lipstick rubbing off on the groom or hair flying out of place.

Makeup artists will have professional grade products that are better quality than you can afford.

Plus, it’s a weight off your mind to leave it to a professional. There’s so much going on and you don’t need another time consuming item.You don’t want to be stressed and i’ve seen that too often.It also lessens the chance of nerve induced failures.

Professional makeup artists can tailor your makeup to look good on the photos too, the lights and perspectives aren’t something you’re used to. A real pro can make you look good on the day and in the album too.

Bridal makeup in Cairo, Egypt. Wedding makeup artist in Cairo, Egypt

Going to a salon vs inviting a make-up artist to you.

This is less of a personal choice and more of a practicality. It boils down to the fact that going to a salon means less mess where you’re getting ready and being more pampered, but it’s also a shlep.

It’s another journey, another thing that can go wrong. Have the wedding makeup artists come to you.

Bridal makeup in Cairo, Egypt

Should you have photos taken during your getting ready process?

Definitely yes! Even before you get your beautiful makeup on. Those photos will be so precious later on. My biggest regret from my own wedding day is telling my wedding photographer to arrive only for the ceremony itself. I wish I had those getting ready photos with my mom. I even forgot how the room I was in looked already, what was the chair I was sitting on, what I had on while getting my makeup and hair done.. I wish someone had photographed us sipping our glasses of champagne. The process of getting ready is a big part of a wedding day and you want it commemorated.

Bridal makeup in Cairo, Egypt

The final word.

Congratulations on your engagement. I know it’s a lot to think about and a lot to prepare. I hope my advice will make it easier for you. Do whatever works for you, there are no rules you have to follow except for the rules of your convenience and happiness.

At the end of the day, organizing a wedding is not about trying to get everything perfect. It’s about celebrating the perfection you’re enjoying.

It’s about preparing for what’s coming next- your life as a husband, a wife, and your commitment to each other.

It’s about that ‘happily ever after’.

I would love to be a part of that. To witness and document your love, all those smiles and happy tears. To tell your wedding story through photographs. For you to never forget any little detail of that day.

Alona Koenig Photography. Vintage charm. Timeless elegance. French ‘joie de vivre’

It was my pleasure having you here. Thank you for your interest in my works and I hope to meet you soon!

Alona Koenig

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